In 2021, Larissa Thera received a divine message-- that she was to take what she has learned about education, multidimensionality, and spiritual ascension and develop programming for starseed children-- indigo, crystal, rainbow, diamond, and the incoming nova kids. It was told to her that it was imperative that there be an in-person learning component, and that multidimensional mentorship and development of each child's unique and individual gifts and abilities is essential to helping them reach their divine destiny. They called this educational and mentorship program "a guidance system for those in transit"-- a method and program to help guide each individual starseed soul on its journey. David has joined her on this mission, adding his unique experience as a diamond child and talented psychic and musician.
Together, they created UNASSAILABLE SOUL -- a holistic community for all starseeds and spiritual seekers because in order to raise children who are full-embodied in their divine knowing, we also need the adults who support them to be in touch with their own divine guidance and inner knowing, so that they can be the mentors we need to bring in a New Earth vibration.